Some of the DUWO locations are located in UPC provider area instead of Ziggo provider area.
These locations do not have the possibility to receive Ziggo Digital television (DTV).
However, it is possible to receive UPC DTV, but only the standard package.
Extra channel packs are not yet available.
The DUWO locations:
Science Park 2. (Carolina MacGillavrylaan)
Instructions for setting up DTV on an UPC compatible TV can be found on the following website:
Select your TV brand and then the model.
Then please follow the instructions given.
With the help of the residents of Dennenrodepad, we have tested the folowing:
Is it possible to set up a decoder to receive UPC DTV?
Confirm the settings where needed.
- Start the setup of the decoder.
- Select the provider UPC (if the option is available).
- Select the “Nework ID” for your province: Noord Holland = 43136.
- Select the network frequecy: 164000.
- Set modulation to 64QAM
- Set symbol-frequency to 6900
Let the decoder search to channels (this will take several minutes).
All digital channels should be found, but only the channels of the standard package will be view-able.
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