Wireless speed drops with Linksys E900 and E1200.
This occurs because wireless signal is (mostly) limited to 54 Mbps, which is slightly less the 6 Megabytes per second.
In most cases you will have a below standard wireless speed with both the E900 and E1200, which is caused by a standard setting in the router.
This setting is Quality of Service (QoS – WMM) which is standard activated.
This setting can be disabled by the following method:
(If the router is new, please configure the router first, before changing these settings).
1a. Start the program Cisco Connect and go to Advanced Settings. Here should be a link to accessing the advanced settings (in a browser)
1b. Or you can login into the router via a webbrowser, the standard address for the router is and the standard username: admin password: wifi-password.
2. In the web-interface of the router, click the button Applications & Games (marked in red below).
3.Click the button QoS.
4. On the page for QoS, the setting for “wireless WMM” needs to be disabled by clicking the button next to “disabled”. After this you can confirm the change by clicking the save settings button.
This should improved the wireless connection speed.
The picture below shows the standard setting with WMM enabled.