These messages depend on the digital receiver used and happen when the smartcard isn’t properly inserted into the digital receiver. Or if you are using a smartcard that is not valid in the (postcode) area where you want to use the smartcard.
When you get one of these messages follow these steps:
1. Check if the smartcard is placed correctly in the receiver. The smartcard needs to be placed with the chip (the gold part) facing down.
2. Clean the chip on the smartcard, carefully with a cloth.
3. Restart the digital decoder. Do this as following:
– Turn off the decoder and remove the smartcard.
– Take the powercord of the decoder out of the powersocket for at least 30 seconds and disconnect the coax (television) cable from the decoder.
– Power the decoder back on, but do NOT place the smartcard back yet.
– After several minutes the digital decoder will ask you to place the smartcard.
– Place the smartcard back into the decoder.
– The decoder will now give the message E48 / E52 (no or weak signal).
– Reconnect the coax (television) cable. The error message will disapear within a minute.
– Do you still see the message on screen after one minute has passed? Then it is important to determine if this is caused by the digital decoder or the smartcard.
1. Check if the smartcard works in another decoder (for example your neighbors). Does the smartcard work in the other decoder, then there might be a problem with your decoder .
2. Check if another smartcard (your neighbors’ smartcard) does work in your decoder. If the other smartcard works, there might be a problem with your smartcard.